16 December 2014
After yesterday’s Medium Pace Run, I decided that today’s training run should be closer to an easy pace than yesterday’s. Besides, the schedule called for a 5 mile, mid-week run. Once again, that first hill (~10.5% grade) drained my strength!
Endurance Running – Base Building, Week 5 of 13 Weeks, Day 2 of 4 Days
The route that I’ve run, yesterday and today, is fairly heavily wooded. Today’s run must have spooked the local deer population because there were several sets of does and one set of two stags (bucks) racing across the roadway within a couple of hundred feet in front of me. The first set of does crossed less than one hundred feet in front of me just as I was cresting that initial hill; I was so focused upon just struggling up the hill that the appearance of those does really startled me (somewhat of an understatement!!!). Maybe, I should consider taking a camera with me the next time that I go for an easy pace run so that I can document those encounters?
Although the weather was moderate and Continue reading Running – Base Training Week 5, Day 2